Lead vet Steve Mucklow is responsible for the Pet Travel service at Ashwood. We are able to offer Rabies vaccinations and Animal Health Certificates for EU Travel. Steve can also assist with preparing pets for non-EU export though exporters should contact APHA in the first instance .
DISCLAIMER : The information provided here is to try and help pet owners navigate the complex requirements of the EU government for pet entry. It does not apply to any non-EU countries. By using this website you agree that you as the pet owner bear full responsibility for ensuring that you comply with all entry requirements to any country you plan to visit with your pet, and that Ashwood Veterinary Clinic Ltd does not accept any responsibility for any loss, financial or otherwise, howsoever caused. Regulations and interpretations do change, sometimes with little to no warning and the most up-to-date guidance can always be found on the APHA website
If you have an appointment at Ashwood for the issue of an Animal Health Certificate please click here for further information and to complete the pre-appointment form.
Cats and Dogs need a microchip and rabies vaccination. The rabies vaccination needs to be given at least 21 days before an appointment can be made for an Animal Certifcate to be issued for travel to the EU - this is valid for 10 days to enter the EU for that single trip only.
Travel to Ireland (including Northern Ireland),Malta,Finland and Norway also requires tapeworm treatment to be given at the same time as the AHC - in this case the AHC needs to be issued in the 5 days prior to travel, and at least 24 hours before travel.
The Animal Health Certificate is only valid for pets travelling with their owner or within 5 days of their owner.
No, unfortunately UK issued Pet Passports are no longer valid for travel. If the rabies vaccination is still in date (check the date in the Valid Until box in the passport) we can use this to issue the Animal Health Certificate , but you DO STILL NEED AN ANIMAL HEALTH CERTFICATE.
Yes, provided the rabies vaccination is still valid - check the Valid Until box next to the rabioes vaccination sticker in the passport.
Bear in mind that vets working in the UK are not permitted to update this passport for you with any new vaccinations so if the rabies is close to expiry, you need to get a booster while you are in an EU country and have it updated if you wish it to remain valid for travel. If the rabies expires while you are in the UK, you will need an Animal Health Certificate for any future travel.
Yes, under the Brexit agreement to travel to both Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, rabies vaccination at least 21 days before travel and an Animal Health Certificate are necessary.
In addition dogs require tapeworm treatment at the time of issuing their AHC, and this needs to be a minimum of 24 hours and no more than 120 hours (5 days) before entry to Ireland.
No, sadly the EU do not permit UK vets to make any entry at all on an EU pet passport , the only exception to this is to record a tapeworm treatment.
To keep an EU issued passport valid, any rabies boosters need to be given IN THE EU, and the passport updated by an EU vet whilst abroad.
Yes,. it is still necessary to see a vet abroad to administer the tapeworm treatment before returning to the UK. Timing is critical - has to be at least 24 hours and no more than 120 hours before you enter the UK. This needs to be signed by the vet on your Animal Health Certificate (or EU issued pet passport)
It is valid for a SINGLE entry to the EU and can be used for onward travel and return to the UK within FOUR months.
If you are staying longer than 4 months, you will need to have another certificate issued by a vet in the country you are staying in before returning to the UK. Ensure your rabies vaccination does not expire before this otherwise you will need to wait 21 days after revaccination.
Rabies vaccination costs £79.06 and is valid for three years.
Issuing of the Animal Health Certifcate costs £225, and includes a 30 minute appointment in the morning, within the 10 days prior to travel (5 days for Ireland/Northern Ireland or other countries that require tapeworm treatment for entry) , prepartion of the owner's declaration you need to sign, and completion of the certifcate itself. Subsequent pets on the same form are charged at £40.
If the rabies vaccination has also been carried out by us the AHC is discounted to £195. Subsequent pets are £40.
No, it must be the owner or someone travelling with the dog, as an owner's declaration must be signed in person.